All Essential Oils
Showing 73–81 of 88 results
Star Anise 10 ml.
Therapeutic properties and used for:
bronchitis, colic, flatulence, indigestion, muscular aches and pains, rheumatism, stomach cramps. /...
Steamroom 10 ml.
Steamroom Blend is helpful for lung complaints, colds and flu. It's also a muscle relaxant and meditative. Adding a few drops near the steam /...
Stress Relief 5 ml.
Our Stress Relief formula is a powerful blend that promotes feeling of relaxation and well being. The essential oils of sweet orange and ros /...
Sweet Fennel 10 ml.
Therapeutic properties and used for:
asthma, bronchitis, bruises, cellulitis, constipation, dyspepsia, flatulence, hiccoughs, menopausal /...
Sweet Marjormam Oil 5 ml.
Therapeutic properties and used for:
arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, bruises, colds, colic, constipation, coughs, dyspepsia, flatulence, h /...
Tangerine Oil 10 ml.
Therapeutic properties and used for:
acne, antiseptic, calming, dyspepsia, fluid retention, insomnia, intestinal problems, nervous tension, /...
Tea Tree Oil 10 ml.
The name Tea Tree was derived from Captain James Cook when he visited Australia in 1770 and noticed the aboriginals made a herbal tea from t /...
True Oregano Oil 5 ml.
Therapeutic properties and used for:
antiseptic, asthma, bronchitis, bruises, colds, flu, muscular aches, rheumatism, sprains, ticks. /...
Vanilla Absolute 5 ml.
Therapeutic properties and used for:
anger management, anxiety, aphrodisiac, meditative, relaxant, skin balancer, stress.