Bergamot, (Citrus bergamia) from the Ivory Coast is produced by France. We find this one to have the most floral scent in comparison to other Bergamots. It was named after the city of Bergamot in Italy where it was first sold. Because of its relaxing properties and calming floral, citrus scent it is used to make Earl Grey tea and was also used as a top note for the famed Eau de Cologne perfume from France.
Therapeutically, Bergamot is most often used for stress related conditions such as anxiety, anger management and depression. Also, it is commonly used diluted with a carrier oil for skin conditions such as acne and eczema.
Important: Bergamot is the most phototoxic of all essential oils mainly because of its high bergapten content and therefore should never be used while being exposed to UV light, such as exposure to the sun.
Used for: acne, anxiety, anger management, bronchitis, colds, cystitis, eczema, fever, flatulence, fever, flu, halitosis, uplifting.
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